Friday, October 4, 2013

Goodbye and Goodbye Forever

What is there to do when after a long, excruciatingly irritating and unpleasant year has passed? What is there to do when you've finally let go, taken a breath and relaxed into knowing that what you affirmed one year ago has happened exactly as you said it, inevitably? What is there to do now that what was already known about you is fulfilled and required to move on? What is there to do when life is introducing a new hand for you to hold, new contracts for you to sign, and new responsibilities for you to carry? What else is there to do when all of your nights consist of educating yourself and hoping in the least that you will not fail the next day? What is there to do now that the time has come? What is there to do when you've decided against something, and instead trade that event for some extra time-wh at to do with that time? What is there to do more of that could help others, but in the same sense help yourself?

When is there time to relax, to smile, to know that everything is alright? When is there time to converse with friends without stressing about the politics of now, or the issues coming up in the education system? When is here time to sit and meditate when you're a junior in high school, sleep deprived and full of coffee, sitting around and trying to get everything done from classes you wish you'd taken two years prior? When is there time for family to sit down and simply watch a movie, or play a board game, laughing and holding each other?

How is the future going to look without you? When you leave, how is the absence going to affect the world around? How is time going to move? How is life going to be after this?

How do I let go of what I thought I had already let go of?

Well, fair-winds. Good bye, forever.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Irish Literature and Posh

Hello, and good evening from Moi!

I have to admit to the laziness that has upholded me, choking and sheilding me, keeping me from writing any more than an essay per week. But, at this time, I declare freedom from this foolishness! I hereby allow myself to write freely and phantomously to whomever I wish, for as long as I wish! And, may I also tell myself that I am a pretty fucking fabulous writer!

Sorry, if that last one sounded conceited, or arrogant. Its just, lately, I have been telling myself otherwise, and that, in itself, has been bringing me down and discontinuing my era and love for writing. Sooo, what has been new on my agenda, you may ask?

Okay! So, the past couple of months have been hectic, so again I apologize deeply for my absence. I know this blog isn't popular or helpful to any of you (most likely), but it sure is a hell of a lot of help for me. And, while these past few months I've needed writing so badly (more than I've needed it in my whole life), I ceased for a while.

First off, I would like to reintroduce myself to you. I am a new person, or, as I should say: same person, new perspective. My name is Kaylee, and I love writing, and I'm good at it, therefore, I shall keep writing on this blog for as long as I need, and for as long as I want to. I am a person with lots of thoughts and tons of work to do, and loads of adventures to share. I can be a kibitzer at times, mostly, because I love to help others-even if it is by force-and I love sharing everything not personal about myself. So, here we are again. I shall share my daily-or yearly, for this case-speil on Irish Literature and Posh.

The first topic for today-Irish Literature:
Upon continuing my education at an arts, charter school nearly thirty minutes far from my home, I have taken up several classes, those of which include(d) Book Club, Core Screenwriting, Shakespeare Adaptations, Core Poetry [Semester 1], and Core Creative Non-fiction, Core Short Story, Irish Literature, and finally, Fairy/Folktales[Semester 2]. With all of these classes on hand, besides the normal academics, I have fallen in love, quite frankly, with Irish Literature! (Sure, it may be because of my love for the book Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, but still..) I have seriously, rootingly obtained a great admiration for the old, Irish/Celtic stories and culture. And this being said, I can truly, honestly, tell you how admittingly, beautifully, glitteringly, fucking boring it is (sorry about the swearing).
    Although I absolutely adore the Irish/Celtic culture and its greatness, and its beautiful writing, I have found myself near to a deep slumber amidst reading them. Yes, they are beautiful, and yes, they are quite interesting (and I can't help, but soak it all in), but the dang pieces are so dense I find myself melting into every story, losing sense of reality and literature, pulling together pieces of my own life and pieces of the writing into my brain; this mixes it all into a large jumble of creeping, gooey, ugly Irish/Kaylee's deepest, darkest nightmares (you know, because everyone else drops straight into their nightmares when daydreaming, and has just the perfect amount of anxiety as Kaylee does). Really, its a huge mess, but onto other things!!!

Topic Two-Posh:     
Are you that awkward one whose sitting there at the computer, staring at the word Posh, and thinking to yourself, "What the heck does she mean by Posh!" Well, to save those of you who do not understand the reference from any sense of regret or dumbfoundedness, here is the dictionary definition of Posh:


1. Sumptuously furnished or appointed; luxurious: a posh apartment


Well, now that you know the dictionary definition, may I continue on to my rant about Posh? Okay.

So, welcome to the world of bagged tea, and porcelain tea pots, and wondrous lace everything, and this and that, and this and that! Behold, my good fellows! I have appointed myself now to be 'posh' because of the amount of mugging coffee and tea that I've consumed so idly and addictively (see, how I replaced mugging for f***ing? Yeah...I tried). Tea and Coffee have literally been my escape. I wake up every morning, and before I do anything whatsoever, I make myself up a mug of coffee (black with just a splash of half & half, just how I like it), and with me to school I bring a lovely tumbler of fresh-from-japan green tea with roasted brown rice! Whilst immersed in strenuous cogitation for school, I will treat myself to a sweet, delicious brew of spice-tea. Yum! So, therefore, I have shortly decided to go by Posh.

Alright, that's enough nonsense for one day! I hope you somewhat enjoyed my rantings and weirdness. The comment of the day is-

I have been short of words recently. Comment or share your favorite word, or a new word you have recently discovered, in the comment section below.

Have a wonderful evening, all! I love you.



Friday, November 9, 2012

Yoga & Zen

Hello, fellow Earthlings!

For today's topic, I'd like to start off by saying this:
I have drunken so much tea these past few months, it seems hardly possible!

Anyways, onto my review. I have finished reading the book Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom, and I must say that it was incredible. For the one hundred ninety-two pages that it was, I completely fell head over heels in love with the characters and with the use of language within the crisp, tiny pages. It was such a minute book, yet it beheld such a behemothic moral! The hue of the novel is just pure brain-candy, and everywhere you turn, you learn more and more about the character of Morrie and his optimistic beliefs, and views on life and death. I thought this book was very well put together, considering all of the events in it were true and real, and the intimacy of it was absolutely, adoringly perfect. Overall, I absolutely adored the novel. AH! So beautiful..

Also, I'd like to talk about yoga and tea. Both of which have played a gargantuan role in my life at this point in time. For one, tea has been there to balance out the healthy eating I have attempted to plan out and manifest, and two, has kept me from falling over the edge into the vat of stress from where my friends have been hanging as well. Tea is my peaceful surrender and center-er. And, yoga has helped tremendously. The focus and great exercise of yoga has kept me sane and motivated to keep going. Sure, its not strenuous or heart-throbbing exercise, but it IS good. It expands focus, and keeps me centered. Perfect for these past few weeks.

I apologize for my absentmindedly short blog posts. I've been busy and quite frankly, tired. I'm sure I'll write some more tomorrow, and that which includes my new male interest! Oooh, startlingly surprising, huh?

Have a wonderful night. I love you all!

Question of the day: What is your favorite Bryan Adams song, why, where would you likely listen to it, and how? Enjoy.


Yoga by Equinox

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Perfect Gai, and Clockwork Prince

Hello and Good morning to all!

I'd like to start of, first, by saying that I am glad I started writing on here again. For one, it has helped me tons by having already advanced my writing as I express my emotions/opinions. So, yes, I feel more grounded after writing a blog. Also, I'd like to apologize. I know yesterday's post had a ton of major grammar mistakes and a few unneeded words in there, but it did so happen to be six in the morning, and I can be a bit dumbfounded around that time. But, here I am again at six A.M., writing to you the first, possibly last, blog of the day! And, may I say that the day is already perfectly stunning?

So, I'd like to start the first review with a full report on the Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare. Yes, I have finally finished it! After three(ish) weeks of prying through homework time just to read what happens next, I finally, wholeheartedly, finished it at last! And, let me tell you-it does not usually take me much time to finish a book. Over the summer, when I have loads of spare time, I could finish a book in a day. But, with school being at almost a neckbreaking nine hours its been difficult to get through three freaking books(which, I have succeeded in doing)! In Cassandra Clare's beautiful novel, Clockwork Prince, the beloved sequel to Clockwork Angel, her character, Tessa goes through a plethora of changes. Not only does she gain more confidence and strength in knowing who she is, she builds a growing love for herself, and therefore, gets mixed up between who to love. In this gorgeous series, a lot of the characters go through major changes, and each of them essential, each of them unique. And, with a completely hidden back story that bottles a mind, I am just itching to see what happens in the third book, which shall come out sometime next year. Overall, the book is fantastic. The world Cassie Clare has created for her novels is one that I could not ever find myself creating, but I intend to make one of my own. Not only are her visuals perfectly where they need to be, Cassandra also adds a little of the essence of the time era of which this book has taken place. At the beginning of each chapter is a poem or scripture written in the time of Shakespeare, Browning, etc. Each begin the chapter reminding the reader what time it is and how the language is different. Even in writing, now, I can very well write in that  sort of of English if I tried. Anyways, yet again Cassandra Clare has succeeded to flounder every other author I've read in recent months. If you have not heard of the book, I suggest picking up Clockwork Angel, or City of Bones-the starting novel in the series Mortal Instruments, also by Cassandra Clare. It is a wonderful world to read about, and is exhilirating in style.

My next topic will be about.....THE PERFECT GUY [dun..dun..DUNNNN..]! Yep, it has come time to speak of boys, unfortunately. In my opinion, the perfect guy, or Man-perhaps-, doesn't have to be anything huge. Everyone I know has a taste and liking for tall, blonde, muscular dudes, and though I DO admire tall, blonde, muscular dudes, I have more of a wide stretch of men that I've come to admire. And having just come out of a relationship, I now sense the competition girls are chipping fingernails over just to have this....Perfect Guy. Though I am perfectly squeamish over the idea of adding myself to the 'single' universe, I do not comprehend that any of my oncoming attachments will be anything truly special. Though I DO yearn for that ONE guy, that sweet, loving, passionate boy, I fear I just will not find him.
      Fortunately for me, my dreams have been at it, teasing me with little thoughts here and there that boys around me have a special place in their hearts for someone as dull, plain, and uninteresting as I. First and foremost, none of those dreams have been sexual. Simply, clippings of holding hands, hugging, or even a kiss on the cheek. For certain, this has only disheartened me once I have woken up. But, hey, at least I had a little fun.

And, so that concludes all of my thoughts for this morning. I hope a great day to you all, and a wonderful evening as well. I love you, and thank you for reading. Namaste


Question of the Day: What about your life inspires you?

(Also, I would like to ask you for topics/questions/comments? I know not many people(if at all, any) read my posts, but if so please comment. I've been out of braincells for quite a while and am in need of something new, something fresh. Well, have a wondrous day!)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tis a Wonderful Day...For School.

Good morning to you all, and had you a wonderful rest?

Today is a lovely day already as the indigo-gray morning has spread across the city, the first rays of sunlight ascending the sky. It is cool and moist, crisp to the touch, and with Autumn on its way the perfume of the trees are more intense than usual. Yes, it is truly a beauteous day!

So, to begin today's blog I would like to start of by saying: I am almost done with the Clockwork Prince! Ah! It's a wonderful read, as biased as I can be-as Cassandra Clare is my favorite author-, with its simplicity in form a vivid, colorful world that is easy to imagine and live in. Only my deepest heart's desire is to live within one of Cassandra Clare's books because she makes it seem just that easy. Her characters are full of depth and wonderful imagination, and they seem quite real. Only Cassandra has made characters seem humanly, in my personal opinion. You can actually SEE the characters doing what she makes them do in the book, which is a fantastic gift. Not many authors have stunned me this way.

Also, I have just finished James Dashner's Maze Runner. To be quite honest, having read so many books in the past three months, I do not find this one to be as fantastical as the rest. It does have an outstanding plot and idea, but the characters I just seemed to dislike. They all seemed too surreal and domesticated. If I cannot be lured in by an outstanding character, I cannot be hooked to read it at all! I apologize if you rather enjoyed it, but that book left me with headaches! It simply wasn't enough visual effects to work with so it made me strain my mind a little just to get a clear picture of what he was talking about. So in other words, the visual part of the book was very vague. Also, I thought it was quite slow, but overall very well put together. Most of the time I had no idea what was going on, so that made me feel closer to the characters than needed, but I thought it was interesting at how intimate it felt. So, again, I am not hating on the book, I just simply did not enjoy it as I did Divergent, Mortal Instruments Series, or Dark Visions.

So, today I have Yoga, Lit&Comp2, and World History, which to say, are my favorite classes-my easiest classes, so today I shall just sit back and relax. And I hope you do the same! While I am sitting in class wondering what next to write for this wonderful attempt at a blog, I'll just sip some tea and ponder. Also, if you have any topics you would like to share to would want me to write about in terms of reviews or just plain Ideas, write them in the comment/question section below. Alright, I think that is all for the morning. Hopefully I'll write something more this afternoon. I love you all!

Q of the day : What is your favorite thing about Yoga, or even a pose? Why?

Good day to all!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Absence Due To: & Missing Assignments

Hello all!

I would like to start off by apologizing for my agonizingly long absence on this blog, for I have succeeded in my goal of going to the arts school for writing, and therefore, have been doing nothing but work and have failed to continue my daily/weekly posts on here. Though, I do have a gargantuas amount of missing assignments due to unexpected illnesses and dental appointments, I have, needless to say, panicked in my attempt to obtain last year's grades. Instead of phenomenal grades as I had my previous year in school, they are terribly dreadful as I have become lazy and tired. Because I attend school from eight in the morning until four-fifty each day(except Friday), laziness has become my trend. But, as of right now, at 9:34 pm, there is no more laziness! I am a perfect student with perfect grades!

Now, to move on to other things, I would also like to vent about my horrific writing style at the moment. As you can clearly see, it is quite boring and uneventful, full of a dreary tone and nothing but too little butter spread over burnt toast. The output of my writing has been terrifying to look at, but my input of reading has helped very little, and unfortunately I have been forced to read two or three books at a time, which I find quite entertaining, but altogether a jumbled mess inside my mind. I do, in fact, enjoy reading more quantities of literature, though. It gives me a more grounded, busy feel to my life even when I know my studies and work has become nothing but laziness.

Anyways, I shall write a short poem for you to describe my feelings at the moment, as I am sitting here with panic as I dread tomorrow's Chapter 2 Geometry test.

Despite all the things I've expected
All the thoughts remain nested
In my brains or in my head
I have yet to dream unto my bed
About many equations worth studying
Before my life gets all death-defying
My grades shall truly show
A student, a perfect hero.

So here I am sitting at my brazen desk,
Wondering if and when may I be at rest
From this dizzying world of studies and notes
Until I become, in the doorway, a part of floating motes.

But I know that all shall turn out well
And, I will be happy to be out of the spell
Of missing assignments and absent work
At my lips appear a quirk.

The perfect day is yet to come
So here it be another one.

     Your question of the day is: What is your favorite quote by a famous poet/writer that you know? Write it down and explain the details. I need to know more quotes. So, bye for now! Have a lovely evening, and I hope to write more tomorrow. I love you!

P.S. What'd you think of my poem? Sucky, right? I only spent two minutes on it. xD    

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Interview with Magnus Bane

Good Morning!

First, I would like to start of with a book review, so, here I go.
Upon finishing my favorite series, I came upon a decision. It wasn't going to end. So, I kept reading, and it is phenomenal. By the time I finished it, I realized something. The series wasn't going to end. With the ending of more adventures needed to come, I am excited to say that my favorite series will erect a sixth book to it, and may I say, Cassandra Clare, I applaud to you for your fabulous architecture of writing. It is so beautiful. So poetic and smart. So simple, yet so wonderful. This series aspires me to do great things with my writing, and so I thank you, Cassandra, for these wonderful books, and your outrageously outstanding talent.


This morning when I awoke, fresh in my mind were the words I shared with Magnus Bane, the all-knowing, all-star Warlock character in Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series. Yes, I had my very own dream about speaking with him about Alec Lightwood, whom, if you have read the series, you would know is the warlock's Shadowhunter boyfriend. My dream contained wonderful images that was my own home.

My friend was watching the production, when I took his bag. Within that bag I had his cell phone, and house key. It was late afternoon, and the hanging sun in the west was beginning to climb in through the curtained windows, casting long lines of gold across the living room carpeted floors. I remember stepping up my own carpet staircase in a heap of anticipation and desperation. I needed to speak with him about Alec. Of course, my friend took the place of Alec in the dream, but it was still about Alec Lightwood.
 As I reached the last step, I could see him at my step-dad's computer, working. And, beside him was the man who tried to conceal me from this home. Magnus sported black, long hair with neon yellow highlights beside both of his temples. Eyeliner shadowed his eyes, and he was small. He wore a black blazer and tight, leather jeans. Docks were underneath him, holding his thin feet.
 I ran to Magnus's side, and said his name. "I need to talk to you," I pleaded. He slowly turned to me, with a half grin on his face. "I don't have time for this, Kaylee," he replied, an index finger sitting curiously on his chin. He sat forward. "It's about Alec."
    His face paled, but the expression laying upon it didn't change. "He's suffering-well-sort of," I pressed on. "He's doing too much work-work that is physically too much for him. He's been trying to close up portals," I said. Magnus stopped me. He leaned forward and touched my arm. "Alec no longer concerns me," he said. Both brows of mine came together in a straight line, my eyes filling with rage. "MAGNUS BANE, I'm telling you he needs you. He needs your support and love," he winced at the word 'love'. I stood from the seat. "Tell him you love him," I said, starting to walk away. He looked over and nodded, seriously. "Why is he closing them himself?" he asked, arms folded in interest. I smiled and faced him.
   I lingered over to his spot. "He thinks he is stronger than he actually is. Give him help. Tell him you love him. Support him," I uttered. He small smile perked up on his pale lips. "And, in return?" he said in all seriousness, although I could hear perfect compassion through it. "His love." And, I was gone.

*My niece, who is only ten months, wanted to type, so here is a section dedicated to her(and typed by her):

kmnkdm4mne3e2m2222222dnnnn3l5TXCj  5566 0g hhh88886tyg  ffrr0 bvvvvvvvtcrrb

Question of the day/week:
Do you prefer blue, yellow, or pink cotton candy?

Have a lovely day, all!
I love you!